We are Energy Warriors
– we hunt the kilowatts

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The time has come for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to shine in strata buildings.
Energy prices are now heading to 40 cents per kWh for Strata common power.
Investing in solar energy is a smart long-term choice - energy prices will not fall.

Add the attractive rebates, and you can payback the investment in 3 to 4 YEARS.
However, you MUST select only the highest quality, commercial-grade components to maximise your investment. Our Solar PV designers & installers specialise in providing top-tier hardware and installation services, ensuring a successful solar experience for every customer.

Why work with us?

SOLAR PV on Strata buildings, is NOT the same as Residential solar PV. It requires COMMERCIAL grade solar PV hardware and COMMERCIAL expertise in the design & installation.
Solar PV energy generation in strata buildings typically requires expertise in such things as high roof access, wind-rated panel fixings and larger hardware, than used on residential solar PV projects.

With rising energy costs and enticing rebates, investing in solar energy is a wise long-term decision—provided you choose high-quality, commercial-grade components and a quality solar PV DESIGN & INSTALLATION company.

Companies that primarily undertake residential projects are not well suited to the larger scale strata projects, that the Energy Warrior is asked to deliver.
Your Energy Warrior, Tim Etheridge, is in discussion with major commercial Solar PV companies, to ensure he brings the BEST in the business to your property.

If you want exceptional results for your strata Solar PV project, let the Energy Warrior sort out the best quotes for your Owners Corporation to make a selection. (20 NOV 24).

Why solar is now ok for strata

The recent surge in energy costs, now hovering between 30 and 40 cents per kWh, has transformed the landscape for solar energy investments. This energy cost increase, largely driven by the ongoing 'renewables grid revolution', looks set to continue. This has made Solar PV systems an increasingly attractive option for Owners Corporations.
ADD the available rebates, the financial picture becomes even more compelling: • Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) for solar panels • Battery rebates through the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) These incentives, combined with rising energy prices, result in an impressive payback period of just 3 to 4 years for most strata solar installations.
Investing in solar energy not only helps reduce your building's carbon footprint but also offers substantial long-term savings on energy costs. It's a smart financial decision that benefits both the environment and your bottom line.

SolShare monitors
What is SolShare

batteries make sense

Incorporating a battery into your solar system is a smart choice for maximising energy efficiency. By adding a battery, you can capture and store all the energy generated by your solar panels, particularly during the sunny summer months. For instance, a 25 kWh Sungrow battery can store approximately 2,000 kWh of excess energy each month. This translates to significant savings—around $10,000 in energy costs annually— resulting in a payback period of well under two years. Investing in a battery not only enhances your energy independence but also optimises the financial benefits of your solar system.

Energy demand in a typical strata building

A typical Strata property has a morning and afternoon activity peak, with the car park, corridors and lifts all being used.

This activity is reflected in the ENERGY DEMAND.

The Afternoon peak usually extends from around 4:00Pm to 9:00PM, which is EXACTLY the SAME time period when peak energy rates apply.

This is why it makes good sense to add a Battery to a Strata solar PV installation.

If your Common power is costing 30 cents per kWh or more – AND- you have a sunny roof, it’s time to think about solar PV.

Energy Warrior hunts the kilowatts

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The Energy Warrior has been hunting fluorescent lights out of strata & commercial buildings around Sydney for almost 10 years.

The Energy Warrior

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