Free initial site visit - then decide if you want to do a full Site Assessment



Strata owners NOW have a much simpler pathway to installing electric vehicle recharging, including:

  • Electricity capacity for Level 1 charging is via a 2.5mm cable that supplies a normal 10 Amp or 15 Amp power point.   THIS IS A LOW ENERGY DEMAND solution.
  • Billing -each power point is wired back to the Internet enabled RSP EV Distribution Board.  To activate the charging account, the resident uses their credit card.
  • There is an option for strata to do billing post – charging, using the built-in reporting function.
  • Dynamic load management  means that the current supply to the EV-DB is set to what’s available IN THE BUILDING, not just the EVC circuit.   eg: if the Car Park fans switch on, the system drops the EVC supply, to match the available energy.
  • Energy metering & monitoring – the RSP solution has a permanent Energy Metering solution, as part of its deployment.  This allows the RSP Electrical Engineers to calibrate energy availability and so know when total supply might need up-grading. 
  • The investment required starts at around $5,000 to purchase and wire up a 6 user  EV-DB.
  • Users pay a monthly fee of $10.00 only IF the connection is active. 
  • Energy is charged at a 5 cent per kW loading on the common power rate, to pay for the system.


EV Charging in Strata is NOW simple

Installing an RSP  EV-DB   in  a strata car park is an easy investment. 

  •  To get started, you will need to know who WANTS or OWNS an EV.
  • Strata By-laws to approve the installation must be drafted and passed by 50% of the Owners.

  • Site specific layout  of the car bays to be energised and existing cabling, requires a Site Assessment.
  • ReadySteadyPlug will provide your quote  based on instructions from the Owners Corporation, via your Strata Manager and Committee.


RSP is run by Electrical Engineers.   When you commission a Site Assessment, you are engaging a qualified Electrical Engineer to map the energy distribution in the building and to design the necessary circuits, to install one or many RSP EV Distribution Boards,  to deliver the RSP EV charging solution to the required car bays.  

Key outputs from a Site Assessment will be:

  1. Energy distribution review – what’s in the building – and what’s needed.
  2. Demand analysis – who wants an EV charger and where in the car park are the GPOs to be located?
  3. System specifications – Circuit breakers,  Dynamic load management, Data connections, Charging & Billing etc. will be specified.
  4. Costings for the RSP EV-DB and connections to GPO’s with  timeframes for a Roll-out.
  5. Strata By-laws support and advice about Rebates.



Your Energy Warrior will organise for the RSP team to quote for your EV Charging  Solution, including ….

  • Provide contractual quotes to Supply & install the EV- Distribution-board(s) and energy supply components.  
  • Includes a full ‘turn-key’ solution with Load management and Billing software tested and implemented.
  • Installation by qualified electricians, experienced in EV charger roll-out.  There is nothing difficult for a good commercial electrician to do, to install a  ReadySteadyPlug solution.



Allow $980 (simple) to $1,950 (large & complex) to deliver a ReadySteadyPlug  EV Charging Site Assessment.

THIS FEE is WAIVED if your OC proceeds with a  ReadySteadyPlug installation.

You want EV Charging in your Strata car park ?

Get the Energy Warrior to do a FREE Initial Site Visit to inspect your car park and discuss your options.

If you decide to commission a  Site Assessment,  you will know what's possible - and at what cost.


Get in touch to arrange a Site Survey

The Energy Warrior has been hunting fluorescent lights out of strata & commercial buildings around Sydney for almost 10 years.

The Energy Warrior

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